Tell me, are you ready to completely shift your way of thinking + find food freedom with the
Mind, Body + Spirit Transformation Program?
The Details...
During your 4-weeks in the Mind, Body + Spirit Transformation Program you'll get:
4 Transformation Inspiring Modules (valued at $1800)
These 4 weekly modules will teach you everything I've learned over a decade on my own journey of transforming my mind, body + spirit. I will share with you not only everything that has helped me achieve the success I have today, but additionally I'll what not to do, to help you skip some of the struggle on your own journey. I've packed years of experience and growth into weekly modules that will be delivered to your doorstop in a beautiful workbook you can hold in your hands as use daily during our time together. Each day you will be given specific action-steps that will help you become the person you desire to be.

1:1 30-minute Mentoring Calls (valued at $400)
Before or during week one of the program we will have an initial 30 minute call to discuss where you are on your journey, where you desire to be, and I will provide you actionable to steps to apply to your daily life to help you get there. A second call can be scheduled by you at any time during our 4-weeks together so we can assess where you are and see how I can be support you in showing up in your life the way you desire.
UNLIMITED Support via Text-Messages and/or e-mails (valued at $1200)
From the moment we get started, I am your friend, mentor, cheerleader and biggest supporter. I want to see you win. I will be available to you 24/7 (to the best of my ability) to talk you through anything that comes up, whether it's related to your mindset, your relationship with food, family issues causing you emotional stress, I am here to listen, support you and provide the best advice I can and share how I would handle a similar situation in my own life.
Weekly Training Videos (valued at $1600)
Each week I will share a video where I open up about personal experiences on this journey that I haven't shared anywhere else. I will also dive deep into a topic from each module to provide real life examples that will help you implement the teachings in your daily life. These videos will be recorded in real time so I can help speak on specific topic that you and other members of the group may be struggling with.

The MBS Lesson Plan + Workbook (valued at $400)
I am so incredibly excited to have the ability to *ship a copy of the MBS Lesson Plan + Workbook to your door step, with a personal love note from me!
28 lessons on mindset, healing your relationship with food, creating habits/routines, overcoming procrastination, dealing with lack of motivation + so much more.
28 guided journal prompts to help you get in touch with yourself and develop the awareness necessary to succeed on this journey.
Over 15 interactive worksheets to keep you engaged and help you implement the teachings in your daily life.
*within US and Canada only. Should you live outside of those regions, don't worry! You will still receive a PDF copy that you can print locally or use directly off of your electronic device.
Community Support via a Private Facebook Group (valued at $1000)
When is the last time you chatted with a girlfriend about your struggles with food? It's incredibly difficult to find women in the real world who can relate to what you're going through, let alone feel comfortable enough talking to them about it. The women that I choose to work with have similar stories and I put you together in a safe place where you can share your struggles and successes with one another. The friends you create through this program are yours forever.
Combined Total Value: $6400

Your Investment in Yourself:
Extended Payment Plan
What Happens Next?
Immediately after registration, your success page will include a link to the exclusive-members only Facebook group. Inside the Facebook group will be a PDF copy of your Lesson Plan + Workbook, as well as a link to my client calendar to schedule our 1:1 call.
Hang tight in the group while registration remains open. You will see new ladies being added as they register, but please don't feel obligated to start reading through your workbook or posting at all. I will make it very clear when we are getting started what exactly is required of you! A day or two prior to the program beginning I will post an introduction video acclimating you to the group. I will then ask you to introduce yourself to the other ladies & we'll go from there! Remember that you're vulnerability and willingness to step outside of your comfort zone are going to be the building blocks to your success during our time together.
We are going to have an incredible 4-weeks, I cannot wait to create a lasting friendship with you and become your biggest cheerleader and supporter while you begin to transform your life.

I have battled my relationship with food, my weight and everything that goes along with it for my whole life. I don't know what food freedom looks like but I am desperate to find it and for the first time in my life, I'm hopeful that I'll get there. Jessica, thank you for being raw and vulnerable with us. You are living proof that there is light at the end of this tunnel. So blessed to be in this group and be mentored by you.
I am so thankful to be a part of this group. You seriously amaze me with the content you create and I hope you know that you're literally changing women's lives. You're changing mine! It has to be something that's always been in us, but girlfriend, you have this inherent ability to draw that out of people and create true inspiration. Thanks for helping me take ownership of my life.

Shortly after joining Jessica's mentor program I finally started to come to peace with my food demons, which I have battled with for most of my life. After just the first week I could feel the "food weight" lift off my shoulders. Jessica has encouraged me to step outside of my comfort zone and see things differently, which in turn slowly turned bad food habits into better habits and helped me make a mindset shift to a more positive place. I highly recommend her group to anyone that struggles with food issues. Her mentorship has been a life changer.

The 4-week MBS Program will help you transform your mindset & heal your relationship with food.
How do I know if MBS is right for me?If you've been struggling with your weight loss journey, your mindset, your relationship with food, or your self-confidence and image, this program is a good fit for you. If you're ready to make peace with where you are, feel good about yourself and find the happiness you've been seeking on this journey, MBS can help you achieve all of that. MBS will bring you the food freedom that will create the resistance free sustainable weight loss that you've been looking for.
Do you guarantee my results?Like anything in life, you get out what you put in. I cannot guarantee that you will show up for yourself, commit to change and do the work, I can only provide you with the tools, resources and support that will help you get there. If you commit to completeting each week of work, take advantage of my 1:1 support and friendship, you can't fail - but it's up to you to show up for yourself.
What is the time committment for MBS?I would anticipate spending between 15-20 minutes a day working through reading the lessons, completing your workbook and interacting with the group. Should you need more support, obviously the amount of time that we spend communicating with one another isn't accounted for in that timeframe.
When does the MBS Transformation Program start?MBS will be run quarterly in 2021!
Do you offer refunds?I do not offer refunds on the MBS program. I want to help you win, I don't want to give you a way out of creating the change you desire in your life - you deserve this.
What if I have more questions?Feel free to send me an email at